- Play Hard, Play Smat, Play Together & Have Fun...with Enthusiasm, Energy and Execution for 40 minutes, with a Will to WIN!
- Don't count the time, make the time count for you. - Roy Williams
- Goals that are not written down are just wishes.
- The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
- Never quit. It is often the last key on the ring that opens the door.
- Great people talk about ideas. Average people talk about things. Small people talk about other people.
- Begin with the end in mind.
- It is useful to look back and to look forward as well. Always remember, though, that now is where you are, and now is when you can make a difference.
- There are people who make things happen.
There are people who watch things happen.
And there are people who wonder, "What happened?"
To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen.
- James A. Lowell, Astronaut
Becoming a Champion...on the court, in the classroom and in the community!Champions do not become champions on the court. They become recognized on the court. They become champions because of their daily routine and daily commitment to excellence. Players do not decide their future; they decide their habits and their habits decide their future!
All of this starts with how you think and what you think.
Your thoughts become your words.
Your words become your actions.
Your actions become your habits.
Your habits become your character.
Your character becomes your destiny.
Therefore, being successful at anything is determined by your daily choices and habits.
A champion is someone who gets up when he can't. -Jack Dempsey
Sacrifice and Rise Above
"If you want something you've never had...you must be willing to do something you've never done."
Do the hard things...do the little things
It's about each one of us rising up above, rising our levels, where others say we are or where we don't belong. It's about us pushing ourselves and each other to rise above those levles. It's about us lifting the program above that...each taking accountability, step by step, inch by inch.
The Top Ten Tips to a Successful Basketball Season (from iHoops.com)
10. Be Eligible & Stay Eligible!
First and foremost, you have to take care of your academics. As we always say, “You can’t make the plays if you can’t make the grades! Student comes first in "Student-Athlete"!
9. Set a Realistic Goal for the Season!
Set a realistic goal and work towards it everyday; have it visible on your dresser, on your bathroom mirror or in your locker at school.
8. Eat Right & Sleep Tight!
Make sure you eat a balanced, healthy diet and you give your body the rest it needs! Read your summer conference notebook or some old First Team Newsletter stories for nutrition and health tips.
7. Execute Fundamentals, Fundamentals, and Fundamentals!
Be solid and be text book! Do what you know, know what you do. Now is not the time to experiment. Summer is when champions are made…Fall is when they perform!
6. Follow Team Rules!
Honor your team rules and be a part of the team. No one is bigger than the TEAM! Be a "Program Guy", not a player guy!
5. Be Coach-able & Accept Constructive Criticism!
Don't make the same mistake twice! Take criticism from coaches and upperclassman; know the coach’s philosophy and follow it. Know your role! Ask questions and observe.
4. How You Practice is How you Play!
If you loaf in practice, you’ll loaf in the game. When you practice hard every practice as if it were a real game, when game time comes, you will be able to play at a high level of intensity. Out hustle the next guy. Leave all of your effort out on the floor everyday. What are you saving yourself for? You might just find out how much more heart you have buried deep down inside! On days you don't feel like practicing, practice harder!
3. Play Hard, Play Smart, All the time!
Is there anything else to say? What ever you do, do it with the same enthusiasm, positive attitude and desire. Maximize your time at practice when it’s time to practice. No joking around. You have to do 10-wind sprints at practice, do 10, not 9½. The same for the books. When it’s time study, don’t cheat yourself, study. If your homework requires you to read 3 chapters, read 3, not 2½. Don't just play hard and play smart...Play hard, Play Smart, Play Together and Play with Pride!
2. Balance Your “ABS” (Academics, Basketball & Social Life)
You must find balance between ACADEMICS, BASKETBALL and SOCIAL LIFE. If one begins to dominate, then the others will begin to suffer. Each must be kept in proper perspective with attention dedicated equally to all three. Work those ABS!
1. Have Fun!
You’re still a young man or woman and remember you play this sport because you love it! You’re good at something you love and something you’re dedicated to, HOOPS! There’s no pressure on you? What’s pressure? Chuck Knoll, former head coach of the 6-time Super Bowl Champions Pittsburgh Steelers once said, “Pressure is something you feel when you don’t know what you’re doing! You know how to HOOP…So HOOP it up!
"Somewhere behind the athlete you've become, the hours of practice, the coaches who push you, the teammates who believe in you and the fans who cheer for you, there's a little boy who fell in love with the game and never looked back...PLAY FOR HIM!"
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