Thursday, November 18, 2010

Coach Don Meyer on Winning

Here is an exerpt taken from Coach Meyer's new book, "How Lucky You Can Be, The Don Meyer Story" on his rules on winning...
  1. Work Hard.
  2. Stick Together.
  3. Have the Right Attitude
  4. Be Positive; Don't critisize, look to compliment
  5. Improve everyday as a person
  6. "How bad do I want it?"
  7. Understand that no one can beat you, you beat yourself. Morale is what motivates the best to get better. As you think, so you shall be.
  8. Until you find a purpose higher than winning, you will never win!

Monday, November 8, 2010

12 Ways to Help Your Team Today

A former point guard for legendary coach Don Meyer, Steve Smiley, shares 12 ways players can help or make an impact on their team each and every day...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Beware of Energy Vampires

Although Halloween has come & gone, unfortunately Energy Vampires exist year round! Here are some ways to remove them and keep them from poisoning your team...