Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Thanks to Eric Musselman for providing a few of these quotes from players speaking about quotes they remembered from their coaches.

  1. "Nobody is going to outwork us, but nobody will have more fun either."
  2. "If you are not doing it the right way, why are you doing it. Learn how to do it the right way and practice it the right way."
  3. "Toughness is a skill."
  4. "If you want to be a champ, you have to surround yourself with champs."
  5. "Let them have the excuses for losing. Let us offer the reasons for winning."
  6. "The season is a marathon not a sprint. What matters is that our team gets better with each game."
  7. "Don't leave the court on a miss. Always finish with the result you want."
  8. "You have to go hard on every play because it could be the difference in the game."
  9. "The game doesn't teach character, it reveals it."
  10. "Concentrate on effort; the results will take care of themselves."
  11. "Life is about relationships."
  12. "Effort is good, but intelligent effort is what we want."
  13. "It's not the quantity of practice, it's the quality."
  14. "You only go as far as your seniors take you."
  15. "No negative body language."
  16. "Forget about the last play. Think about the next play."
  17. "The game starts in the layup line."
  18. "If you have a passion for something, then do it as hard as you can -- and as well as you can
  19. "Confidence and success go hand in hand." -- every time."
  20. "In 10, 15, 20 years, we won't remember the scores but the times we had."
  21. "A silent defense is a flat defense."
  22. "The more players you can play the more successful the team will be."
  23. "The best offense is fueled by defense."
  24. "The lower man wins."
  25. "Rebounding is an attitude."

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